JC's Village

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Salty Speech ... words escape me

Today's post has appeared in the blog-editor screen over a dozen different ways today - a couple of sentences ... delete, delete, delete ... and then a different couple of sentences ... delete ... 

Clearly - I don't have the words - because I haven't yet sat long enough in silence with this topic yet. No worries. If you know me at all - you know that I'm far less interested in posting mindless posts - and more interested in pursuing God. 

So - I'm not going to sweat it. 

I'm thinking, praying, reading, talking with students and already learning some interesting things about speech.

Also - I'd really love it if you have come across a great resource on speech; a story, a poem, a sermon, song, a book, picture, whatever ... I've been going through some resources already - but for all we say - we don't say as much as you might think about speech itself.

Thanks! - Praying you're all having a lovely day.

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