For the Love - Day 33
Today's passage is so clear and straightforward - yet there's so much there to think about - let's just do that instead. Let's meditate on this gem of an idea for a few moments. All you have to do is pick a phrase from today's passage - and hold it in your mind - then take a few deep breaths - and slow your breathing down ... you can do this by inhaling for three counts, hold your breath for three counts, then exhale for six counts, and then wait three counts again. Next time - inhale for four counts, hold for four, exhale for eight, hold for four ... if you feel like going 5, 5, 10, 5 - that's cool - but 4 is plenty slow enough too. Then - while you're nice and calm - roll the phrase you picked out around in your mind a bit. What is it about that phrase that speaks to you? How is God speaking to you through it? Don't sweat it if you have other thoughts come along - bat them away if you like and keep meditating, or not. No pressure. If you give this a try now and again - it'll get easier and easier. Soon you'll find that meditation - like God's hope - never disappoints.