Gift Number Fourteen
One of the greatest gifts we receive from Jesus is a new identity - we become co-heirs with Christ, Children of God, and a whole bunch of other new labels and positions, privileges, and responsibilities which are such a game-changing blessing. But so often it’s so difficult to really embrace and grasp that new identity. It’s tricky to find ways to really let that new identity sink in and soak all the way through - not just bone-deep, but soul-deep.
For some, a particular verse in Scripture hits us and a light goes on. For some, a particular worship song communicates in one hearing what a hundred sermons can’t. Sometimes - it’s a moment of service - or receiving help. I know for me it took more than one encounter of each of these types for me to start to even really see just how far the identity I brought with me into my faith was from the new identity Jesus was offering me. Actually - He’s already offered it. It’s mine. I have it. It’s like a whole new outfit - a makeover if you will - but then the next day I go back to my same-old-same-old. It takes work, and rest to really understand what it means to be His. These days I’m finding paradigm shifts, contemplative prayer, meditation, and the like very useful at helping me shift much more deeply into my identity in Christ - there is always more of it to understand, - particularly in terms of my perspective on things, my attitudes and behaviors. It’s humbling to think about how much I’ve worked to grow - and yet how much more growth I need. It’s also encouraging because the more I embrace my identity in Christ - the more I find myself experiencing a richer and richer version of the fruits of the spirit, spiritual gifts. This isn’t any kind of “horn-tooting” on my part - but a testimony to God’s graciously patient and long-suffering work on me. I”m not the creator of my growth - but the recipient of it.
I’ve also been the recipient of really great mentoring and discipling - and of really great teaching and information.
To that end, I’d love to share some of that with you. Today I have in my hands a poster of the image above - and if you’d like to have that poster - and are the first to contact me - I’d love to give it to you. You can message me on Facebook, you can email, text, or call, etc. (contact info is under the ministry friends tab of the JC’s website and scroll down) You can even DM me on Twitter. I’ll get it out in the mail to you. It’d be my privilege.
May we all daily open more of the gift of this new identity we have in Him! It’s a gift that keeps giving.