Gift Number Seven
Some of you know that when not doing ministry with college students, church friends or the local jail ministry, I like to tell stories. As of this month I’ve been a member of Bluff Country Tale Spinners for six years. Stories are incredibly powerful. I absolutely see why Jesus used them so often in His teaching. They stick around in our heads so well.
There are a lot of things I don’t know about your story - but one thing I know for SURE - is that it’s not done yet.
Here are some things I know about unfinished stories
Between here and the ending - twists and turns are possible
Twists and turns are key to the greatest stories
.There are all kinds of heroes.
You are the hero of your story.
You get to decide what kind of hero to be - are you a warrior hero, a sage, a great leader, a peace-maker, a teacher, artist, … something new maybe?
What kind of hero we want to be has a big impact on how our story progresses.
YOU choose the next step in your story.
Most of our lives are at least trilogies if not multi-volume series. Where you are now may only be “book two of seven”
Have you thought much about where you’d like your story to go next? Maybe you’re at a highpoint - perhaps it’t time to spin a scene of celebration. Maybe something more somber is called for. Sometimes when I’m not sure how to respond to a situation I imagine lots of different characters from books and shows and Scripture in my situation - and see which ones feel like they fit best. Sometimes picturing an obviously “not at all like me” character helps me get unstuck - seeing in your imagination what you would never do can clarify what needs doing. This can also be an entertaining way to think while out on a walk.
Whatever kind of story you’re writing, may your story encourage and inspire many, my friend.