For the Love - Day 41
You know you're in with your friend when they feel comfortable enough with you to share their fears and worries.
But there's not usually much we can do about our friends' worries or our own.
And yet I don't think God's asking us to give Him our fears so He can "fix" them. Instead - I think He invites us to give Him our fears because He wants to take the burden of carrying them off our shoulders - and offer His perspective on what we worry about, and offer His truth about our fears regarding ourselves, and offer His courage to face the very real troubles we sometimes have to face - courage of sufficient strength and force to help us see our troubles from an entirely different perspective - the sort of perspective in fact that can transform our biggest fears, worries and concerns into opportunities for drastic growth.
Are there worries, fears and troubles you're facing as you getting ready for Easter? Can you hand them over to Him (and you might have to do it more than once if they're particularly bothersome, serious, or you've been carrying them for a while are in the habit of it).
Why bother trying to change how you view your anxieties?
Best reason I can offer - is He really does care for you - and truly wants to free you from what usually amounts to very hard work for us to carry such - and all our concerns are so easy for Him to carry. He will do right by every single one of them.