For the Love - Day 42
Quite a few friends of mine have had babies lately. Aren't babies just the best? I mean - they're so tiny and so new and they have their whole lives ahead of them. Would doesn't love babies?!
But - just to be clear - when God adopts us - He's not adopting us as or seeing us as "babies."
If you've ever watched that old classic Charleston Heston film, Ben Hur, then you know - in Jesus' time you didn't adopt a baby. You didn't even adopt a kid. You adopted a full grown adult. You know - the kind like you and me.
That's because - back then - you wanted to adopt someone who was grown up enough that you knew who and what you were getting.
I forgot about this until I recently watched an Andy Stanley sermon on adoption. It was pretty great.
... Almost as great as God wanting to adopt adults, like us, not "perfect" little babies. This is exactly how God wants to do it. There's no mistake here. You are not adopted by Him because He's "not sure" how you'll turn out. He knows. I mean - truly - He knows better than you do. That's actually precisely why He wants you in His family.
That's a pretty great family.
That's a pretty great God.